Just a quick update to all SENIORS. I know some of you still have sessions on the books for this fall with me but many have their sessions complete at this time. A note about yearbook photos. Please keep your YEARBOOK PHOTO DEADLINE in mind when ordering. Every school is different ranging from as early as Sept to as late as Feb. If you do not know when it is, you need to find out. Also, you need to place your full order to receive your complimentary yearbook photo in time to meet your school's deadlines. Remember the turn around for orders is 3-4 weeks, so you need to make sure you leave yourself enough time to get yearbook photos in.
Just a reminder...proof galleries are only left up for 2 weeks.
Okay now onto some FUN stuff. Very soon I will be running a blog contest for the seniors. The winner will win some pretty cool stuff....So, keep checking back to the blog, because that's the only way you'll get the info on how to play :)
And it wouldn't be a post without a picture right :) Since senior season is still going strong here, here's a teaser from the latest senior I had the pleasure of meeting. The beautiful Miss "C". She has a unique style all her own...can't wait to show you more!! Also thank you to Robin for letting us use her loft for this session!! More to come soon :)

till next time....
Very nice. Love the contrast between light and darks here.
Love all your new senior stuff, BEA-UTIFUL!
I love the composition here and lighting, can't wait to see more.
that's my baby!
I vote for Cayli, her preview pics were beautiful!
love this - what a great location! and love the lighting and mood of it;)
Go Cayli Great Pics
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