The votes have been counted and someone is walking away with ALL the goods!! Yes, she gets it all, the Senior Buzz Cards and the DVD!! So...who is it you ask....Click on the video to see :) BUT don't for get to turn OFF the main blog music first (located at bottom of blog)!!
Congrats!! You went right to work recruiting those votes!! I am trying not to use her name here in case someone is reading ahead without watching the video...LOL (don't want to ruin the suspense). But I wanted to mention, this senior is actually my most recent senior and has not even seen her sneak peek yet. I was going to post the DVD/video of the senior who won, but then I got to might be nice for her to actually see her session and her sneak peek before showing her the DVD :) So...your sneak peek will be coming in the next day or so :) I'll be in touch with all the details of your prize!! Congrats again and a HUGE thank you to all the seniors who participated!! This was lots of fun!! You all are FABULOUS and I have enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of your very unique Senior Styles!! :)
Hey Seniors...I told you all there would be a cool contest coming and it's here!! Who wants to win some cool stuff?!? :) The first thing that is up for grabs are some awesome Senior Buzz Cards. These come in sets of 25 and I am giving away 2 sets. They are business card size, front and back and showcase your favorite pics from your session. They also have room to include things like your facebook, email, whatever you choose. But yes, it gets even better. The big prize, is what everyone is talking about. The rockin DVD's!! These awesome DVD's are a great way to showcase your senior session in style. They come to you in high res so you can use them for your open house, but you also get a low res file for things like facebook. So who's ready to play and win some cool stuff?!?
Below are samples of the senior buzz cards and the DVD. You will see lots of familiar faces on the buzz cards, as they are past seniors. And the lovely Miss Natalie from the Class of 2010 is my featured senior in the DVD :)
So...who wants to know how to play?!? Here's the scoop, below are the entries from the Class of 2010. These are some of the awesome seniors that I have had the pleasure of meeting this year. The senior with the most votes wins. So how do you vote you ask? It's simple...under this post there is a place to leave comments, all you have to do is leave a comment voting for the senior you want to walk away with goods. This is where YOU the seniors have to spread the word and get everyone you can think of to my blog to vote for you :) Anyone can participate, so send the link to friends, family, whoever you want!! Please do not send duplicate entries, your comments will be saved and I will NOT publish the comments until the end of voting. All duplicate entries will be deleted.
And no, you do not need to know these seniors to vote, my regular blog followers can play too ;)
At the end of the contest, the person with the most comments left in the comments section, gets 2 packs of senior buzz cards (total of 50). To make sure everyone out there is trying to win (wink wink) there is a catch to win the DVD. You must have at least 25 comments left for you. Just keeping it fair :) Prizes will be delivered once your senior photo order is complete.
Okay, that about covers it, if you have any questions...feel free to drop me an email.
Contest Begins NOW :)-Thursday September 10th and ends Wednesday Sept 16th. Winner will be announced by Friday Sept 18th!
Below are the entries, if you would like to see more of their sessions, you can scroll through the blog or simply visit the SENIOR WEBSITE. Good luck to all!! Now go start spreading the word and get voting!! :)

Till next time...
Okay you know I am biased but I honestly think your photos of Ian was SPECTACULAR!! So Ian!!!
I am voting for Ian! :)
I am voting for Ian! What an awesome session!
I am voting for Ian!
They're all good looking kids... and their sessions are all spectacular! Its so hard to choose, but my fav is Ian - so he has my vote!
Well you know that I vote for my Ryan....but all your pics ROCK!!
I vote for my baby girl Cayli-you go girl
I vote for Cayli. Love Grandma
i vote for my sista cayli!!!! woooo
i vote for cayli!!!
love ro
i vote for you cayli
mari bella
I Vote For Cayli
your bro Matthew
i vote for cayli henry = have a great year and you look wonderful!
i vote for cayli!!!
love you!
PLEASE...count my vote for "R" His pictures are AWESOME
Ryan your pictures are great!
I vote for Cayli, love you Grandpa
Voting for Ian, super photos!
Go Ian Go!
Nice pics Ryan, have a wonderful senior year. I vote for you. Kathy Moulton.
Vote for Cayli!
Voting for my girlfriend Cayli!
vote cayli!
Vote for Cayli
I vote for Cayli
vote goes to cayli bailey!
I am voting for Cayli Henry.
I vote for Cayli :)
I vote for Cayli!
My vote is for Ryan Moulton!
I vote for Cayli. BTW: GREAT photographic work - truly amazing!
My vote is for Ryan Moulton.
I vote for Cayli Henry.
I liked Becky's photos!
Cayli is BEAUTIFUL! All of the photos are great, but she really stands out.
My votes for my main man Ian!!
these all look so great! and what a great idea! hmmm, you've got me thinking:) I wish we lived closer!
I vote for Cayli
I vote for cayli
Your senior sessions ROCK! What a great group of seniors.
By the way, those cards are gorgeous!
Keep the votes coming guys are doing a great job!!
All comments that have votes will be posted at the end of the contest :)
this is Ian's aunt again and I of course vote for him.
i love Jeesica's pics !!!you did a great job on them!
I vote for Jesica's photos !
I vote for Ryan Moulton
I vote for Cayli
love ya
I vote for Cayli
Becky. Loved that session!
Vote for Cayli
I vote for Cayli!
These pictures look amazing!!!
My vote is for Ian :)
Great pictures.
My vote is for Ian
Everything looks great!
I vote for Ian.
Vote for my bestie Cayli!
Cayli for sure.
cayli cayli cayli
Ms. Cayli, my vote goes to you
I vote for Cayli Henry!
I'm voting for Cayli Henry.
I'm voting for Cayli.
I'm voting for Cayli H.
I'm voting for Cayli.
I want to vote for Cayli Henry
What a fun contest!!!! Good luck everyone!
My vote if for Devin.
I vote for Devin.
Ian...powerful session with the firefighter gear and all on...
I vote for Ryan. You rock Hayley!
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