Now, onto my winter beauty!! Kailyn is no stranger to my camera. I have had the pleasure of photographing her in every season to document her senior year. I am so happy that her parents treasure this time in her life this much to want these special memories. We had our Summer session and Fall session without any issues, but this year Michigan Winter, well let's just say it's been strange to say the least. I was seriously beginning to wonder if we'd get that winter session. Well about 2 weeks ago it started snowing (finally). Now mind you we are in February, this is crazy to have had to wait this long to see snow in Michigan!! Anyway, the snow fall was beautiful, those big snowflakes that are hard to come by. So I sent Kailyn a message and was like call me when you get out of school today, hoping there is a chance we can do this right after you get out! Thankfully she was able to do so and of course she always looks amazing so there was no having to get ready. I just met her after school and we had a quick 15 minute session.
Kailyn is so much fun to photograph, she has a natural beauty but she also is fun and playful. When I photograph her I want people to see her personality because every aspect of it is just beautiful.
So glad we got in our mini winter session, the results were stunning...
These photos are all stunning, but this one has gotton the most attnetion on facebook. And anyone that knows me knows how much I love b&w.

This is just so Kailyn. This was that "find your inner child moment" :)
Well, there you have it. Senior sessions in the snow...yup they are stunning!!
Till next time...
so beautiful!
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