Thursday, March 24, 2011

[Framed]~Their Words~My Art Thursdays...{Mid Michigan Child Photographer}

As all of my blog followers know every Thursday is "Their Words~My Art Thursdays". It's a time when I post a quote and an image that I feel when combined tell a beautiful story. It's also a time when that's all I post and nothing I know many of you are probably wondering, why is she babbling Well, recently [Framed] Show put out a challenge for their upcoming show to post an image and tell a story about that image or simply let the image speak for itself. This challenge giveaway for this week is a yearlong membership to Red Leaf Studios Workshop. Now, I can't tell you how inspiring Red Leaf is to me, so when I saw this challenge come up, I was beyond excited!!

So since Thursday's are day's I specifically post these type of storytelling images anyway, I thought this would be a perfect time to share this one. I chose this image because I feel it tells a story of childhood. The freedom, the innocence, the endless possibilities... Oh, to be a child again. It seems that even if you aren't a child, when you watch a child at play in the complete freedom they feel in that moment, you will loose yourself and become a child again, even if just for a moment. I love that about working with children.

And because with every "Their Words~My Art Thursdays" I share a quote to tell the story...

"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
~Author Unknown

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1 comment:

Terry McKaig said...

Beautiful and soulful Hayley!