Tuesday, November 23, 2010



There really are no word to even express the thanks I have in my heart. I am truly blessed in my life. Although I feel blessed all year long and am thankful and grateful each and every day, Thanksgiving is such an appropriate time to share my thanks with all of you for blessing my life. Thank you to ALL my wonderful clients for making this yet another year of blessings for my business. I have met so many new and wonderful people this past year. I am excited about the relationships that have began this past year with new clients. I am also very grateful to all my loyal clients who allow me to continue to be apart of their families lives, it truly is an honor for me to continue to capture your families memories!! You all are so much more than clients to me, I am thankful to be able to call you all friends.

Photography is not just a job for me, it truly comes from my heart and soul. I believe God blessed me with this talent for a reason and I am thankful to HIM for allowing me to see the world the way I do. God provides so much beauty in life and being able to capture that for others is such a blessing in my own life.

"Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God" ~Leo Buscaglia

I hope you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving!! Thank you for being the ones I can share the "gift" that God gave me.

God Bless...

And because we can't have a post without an image :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the image -- that's so beautiful and I LOVE sunflowers.