I truly am blessed...and I thank you all for letting me capture the heart and soul moments of your life for you!!
I also would like to add, I know I have been way behind on posting photos to the blog, I think the blog will be taking a bit of back seat for a bit ;)
So...onto the deadlines. Here are some dates to think about...
First off, if you are wanting any pieces of my hand made jewelry this year for Christmas, the deadline for ordering is Nov. 1st. I am taking very limited jewelry orders this year as I am so busy with portrait orders. So...I will only be excepting jewelry orders with your complete portrait order. I will not process any jewelry orders separately this year.
SENIORS, remember...your complimentary yearbook photo will not be ordered or released to your school without your complete paid order. Orders take 4-6 weeks to process, so make sure you order in enough time to make your school's deadline.
Christmas Print ordering deadline is Nov. 20th. That is prints only, if you have specialty items you need to allow more time or there will be rush fees involved.
I think that covers everything right now. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line :)
And because we can't post without a picture, here's a fave of mine from a recent session. This is from the same session as the little girl pulling the wagon below. They both got to play with the teddy bear :)

love the pic! and the bnw is fab! just perfect!
Oh I love that pic!! and- your jewelry is amazing too! Woman of many talents you are!!
I really really love that pic!!
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