I have been really excited to show you some pics from this senior session. It just seems my sneak peeks get farther and farther behind these days. So...for this session, I travelled to Grand Ledge MI. It was my first time to Grand Ledge and I have to say, I loved it. There were so many awesome places to do pics, I found it very hard to not show a ton from this session!! So a little background here...Mom booked this session way back in the spring with me. When we were talking on the phone she told me about all the things that her son was involved in and I was really excited to do this session. I am not even showing everything in this sneak peek, because there was just so much fun stuff to show it all. But the thing that got me really excited was the Fire Station possibility. Mom told me how "I" was a Fire Explorer and worked at the Grand Ledge Area Fire Dept and wanted some pics done there and I said if they would allow it, that would be awesome!! So they checked into it and they were fine with it. As I was thinking about all the thing I wanted to do at the Fire Station the very first thing I absolutely knew I wanted was an image that would evoke emotion and tell a story about what Fire Fighters mean to our country. When we got to the Fire Station I talked to "I" and told him what I was envisioning and gave him a little bit of info about the image I was trying to create. I knew the minute he stepped up to that doorway, art was being made. I could see the finished version in my head already and honestly it gave me goosebumps. I don't mean to get all emotional, but if you really stop and think about what fire fighters do and what they mean to your neighborhoods, towns, cities, our country. The risks they make everyday for others, to me it does evoke emotion and I hope the very first image says something about that.
I can't go on with this post though without saying a couple more things. First off, to "I" the senior you see in all these pictures. It was the absolute hottest day this summer by far that I've done a session in and look at all the fire gear he is in...he was an absolute trooper!! Thank you "I" for being so awesome during our shoot!!
Also a HUGE shout out to the Grand Ledge Area Fire Dept for being so gracious and allowing us to have access to the Fire Station for these pictures. They were awesome to work with and I can not thank you enough for allowing us to do this!! I hope these photos do the work you do everyday justice. And make sure "I" shows you all the pics, as these are just the sneak peeks and there are many many more awesome ones from the fire station :)
Okay, I am done rambling now...onto the pics :)
My favorite one...and it is titled "Courage"

This one looks awesome in color too, but I have to save some surprises for when you guys see your gallery :)

The fire trucks were SO shiny, they made for some great reflective play. I have more reflection ones too that I love, it was SO hard to pick!!

Love how focused his look is in this and with the b&w...I just love it.

Okay, I really would love to show more from the fire station, but I am saving the rest till your gallery is up, I know I am terrible :)
So onto some others. Downtown Grand Ledge had so many cool places to take pics.

I loved this old stairway :)

And having a little fun with the sun-glasses :)

Hope you enjoyed your sneak peek. If you are stopping by, feel free to leave a comment. Let me know what ya think, I love to hear from you :)
Thank you to the "B" family for hanging out with me for the afternoon and to "I" for letting me be apart of your senior year!!
Love the fire station photos! Very cool. And love that old staircase. These are all great!
OH MY GOSH HAYLEY!!! You did SOOO AWESOME!!! I know "I" and mom will be BEYOND excited with this!!! I know I am!!! WOW...I can't even think of a word to really use here!!! AMAZING!!!
Jen, you know how to make my day!! I love your comments!! :)
I don't think she's seen them yet, I tried calling her to let her know and got her voicemail.
These are so cool! What a lucky senior to have you capture these images for him!
Hayley, no worries...She's seen them..You choked her up!!! She LOVES them and can't wait to see the rest!!!!
btw...I only tell you the truth...you are great and awesome at what you do..>God has truly blessed you!!!...have to find a time for "J"'s pics. :)
I am the aunt of "I" and I am blown away. They are truly works of art and you have captured his personality in just the few photos you posted. Mom can't hold back the tears. Thank you so much!
Hayley, I am so glad that I can type my comment because I am so emotional seeing my son in your pictures. You have a rare gift and I am so glad the Jen referred us to you. These pics are beyond our expectations and I am thankful for your art. Thank you so much, but you leave us one problem....HOW DO WE PICK???? Thank you so much and "I" had a great time with you, especially the teasing you about snakes....
My goodness Diane now you have me choked up!! Thank you SO much for leaving that very kind comment. I am beyond grateful for the chance to meet up with your family, I had such an amazing time. I am so glad that these pictures brought out such emotion in you and that you have expressed it to me!! I meant to mention the snakes and spiders in my post, there was just so much I wanted to talk about!! :)
And to "I's" Aunt...thank you so much as well for taking the time to leave me a comment!! The comments that are left on this blog mean so much to me!! I am so glad that you all love them!!
Oh my goodness!!!! these are absolutely amazing! 'I' looks insainly handsome in all these pictures!
Hayley you just keep on raising that bar dont you??? These are AMAZING and that first image... wow... took my breath away. You rock my friend!
Woah... those are fabulous, Hayley!!
What an amazing young man. You have captured him so well in these portraits Hayley and I am not sure I can add anything more to what has already been said.
I can't tell you how proud I am that you are my friend.
Incredible Hayley! My brother and SIL are both fire fighters in the Lansing area - that first shot is AMAZING!
I know that downtown Grand Ledge has lots of neat places - such a fun place to photograph in, I'm sure! I hope you'll post some pics down by the Ledges!
LOVE these. OUTSTANDING, Hayley!
HAYLEY!! You are sooooo creative! I love your vision and perspective! outstanding work my friend!
What a fun shot that last one is. I love the use of the fire station and everything else about this session.
Oh my gosh, you always come up with something new and creative. I just love the firehouse shots. Amazing. I'm in awe of your talent.
OH MY GOSH!! Hayley! These are just incredible!!! Seriously amazing!!
Man Hayley! You are rockin' the seniors. These are fantastic! That sunglass image is to die for!
what a really cool set of images :)
Hayley, Thank you for taking so much time on capturing me in my element. The pictures are fantastic, i could not of even imagined how great these would of turned out to be. Your eye for creativity blew me away. And i am honored that you could take my senior photos, even if you are scared of snakes ;). Once again thank you so much for all your time and effort i love ever photo you have taken. (I)
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